Designing future mental health support technologies

Understanding the world for a man is reducing it to the human, stamping it with his seal. The cat’s universe is not the universe of the anthill. - The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

My main research focus is personal mental health informatics, with a particular interest in everyday management and support. Bringing together the methods from empirical research, design, and computing, I aim to design future self-management technologies with novel modalities that are complementary to existing mental health support infrastructure.

I welcome undergraduate students to join in this research project! If you are interested in this topic and would like to gain research experiences related to qualitative and design methods, please feel free to email me: tixu6250 AT colorado DOT edu.


  • Tian Xu, Junnan Yu, Dylan Thomas Doyle, and Stephen Voida. 2023. Technology-Mediated Strategies for Coping with Mental Health Challenges: Insights from People with Bipolar Disorder. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW2, Article 240 (October 2023), 31 pages.


  • Technological mediation of strategies in coping with mental health challenges: A case study with people with bipolar disorder. Designing Ecosystems for Complex Health Needs (CHI ’22), April 30, 2022. New Orleans, LA.